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Components of GoldSMS

GoldSMS (GUI, main user interface for sending “onesie” text messages interactively)
GoldSMS Blast (For sending out an SMS blast, or broadcast, to a group of contacts)
GoldSMS Pull (Pulls inbound SMS messages down from the Cloud server)

GoldSMS Alert (Pops up to let you know a Text has arrived for you)
GoldSMS Thread (Threads the inbound and outbound Texts into an easily readable format)

GoldSMS Config (Configurator for the GoldSMS module)
GoldSMS Blast Config (Configurator for the GoldSMS Blast module)
GoldSMS Pull Config (Configurator for the GoldSMS Pull module)
GoldSMS Master Config (GUI buttons to launch each of the other three config modules)

GM Jump Start (Resilience engine… tries to re-start GoldMine if necessary)

GoldSMS Service BETA (Sets Blast and Pull modules to run as a service)
GoldSMS Service Config BETA (Configurator for the GoldSMS Service module)

components_of_goldsms.1392616096.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/07/28 13:35 (external edit)