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Download and Install

Watch the video:


  • Windows XP or later
  • Must have GoldMine installed
  • Create a GoldMine user named GOLDSMS
  • Create a GoldMine contact with company name = “GoldSMS Catchall”
  • Must have Internet access
  • ID Code (included in email from Plain English)
  • Your new dedicated Text number (included in email from Plain English)

Download and install:

  1. Use this link to download Download
  2. Unzip, and extract GoldSMS-yyyy-mm-dd-setup.exe to a convenient location.
  3. Run GoldSMS-yyyy-mm-dd-setup.exe As Administrator and choose, as your target directory, something like k:\apps. The installer will automatically create the GoldSMS subdirectory, so your installation will be in k:\apps\goldsms.

Tip: Be sure, when installing, to use right-click → Run as Administrator. Tip2: Avoid targets like c:\ and c:\program files, and other areas that might be too restrictive.

If everything goes well, this should be the most boring part of your day. The installer will create a top-level directory and two subdirectories, and extract and copy a couple dozen files. It creates no registry entries. The .exe's, dll's, and other files that comprise the “installation” are readily moved to an alternate location should the need arise. No serial number nor license code is required.

You may wish to think of this as a “lightweight” installation.

Upon completion, you'll be asked whether you wish to proceed with configuration of the three main components of GoldSMS, or if you'd like to return later:

In GoldMine, create TaskBar shortcuts to the 3 desktop modules: GoldSMS.exe, GoldSMSAlert.exe, and GoldSMSThread.exe.

Also, include GoldSMSAlert.exe in the user's Windows startup routine.

If you don't already have a “dedicated” field for Cell phones, you may want to consider creating one, at least for test purposes. We recommend UPHONECELL. This is not a requirement of using GoldSMS, but it does make the solution a little stronger.

download_and_install.1394736483.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/03/13 18:48 by stevengraff